donderdag 9 juli 2020

Bulles de Bonheur 12

Soms denk je een dag geen steekjes te kunnen zetten en vind je toch nog een momentje. Dat is het fijne van deze bubbels. Veel tijd kosten ze niet.

Sometimes you do not expect to make any stitches and suddenly you have some spare time. That is what I like about the bubbles. You don't need much time to make them.

4 opmerkingen:


True !
I'm always amazed at the way you organize your quilting /stitching life, with so many beautiful projects, big or small ...
Have you installed a weekly/daily schedule ?
You might say I'm curious, but it would help me to know :) I sometimes feel overwhelmed with all my current projects on the go ...
Thanks for your answer and inspiration, Annelies !
Have a nice day,
In stitches,

conny's quilts en creaties zei

Goed bezig Annelies, het wordt erg Leuk met die kleuren.

Annelies zei

@Nadine, I have no schedule. I have one restriction. After 10 PM I am not allowed to stitch. It makes me sleep better. And I am not that good in finishing things.

marga zei

Ze stralen die bubbels de kleur is ook zo mooi.